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Monticello Pest Control

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Monticello Spring

With spring in the air and the Monticello Farmers Market about to open, all the outdoor fun of biking, hiking and exploring the mighty Mississippi River will be here before you know it. Not only do people around Monticello become more active as temperatures warm up, so do all pests including arachnids, insects, and rodents!

Winter Warriors

Just because pests are more dormant and less visible during the colder months, this doesn’t mean they have magically disappeared and won’t return this spring (although that would be incredibly convenient). Some pests go into a state called diapause which allows them to withstand a greater range of low temperatures, some as low as -94º F!

Pest Boom

Being that we just experienced a more mild winter than normal, the expectation is a boom in pest activity sooner rather than later. Wasps, hornets, and even mosquitoes are already out and about around people’s homes and yards. Homeowners should pay special attention to the pest movement in and around their home such as spiders, ants, wasps and crickets. It is important to be aware of the early sightings and not wait to act until they have had a chance to develop into a larger and more complex situation.

Call Rove

If you’re one of the many Monticello residents who would prefer spending time enjoying the outdoors instead of fighting pests outside, call Rove today and get a free inspection and quote for our professional pest control services. Learn how our service guarantee will keep your home protected for longer than the duration of the technician’s visit. Join the thousands of Minnesota residents who have made Rove Pest Control their pest professionals.