Mud Dauber Control in Brooklyn Park, MN | Rove Pest Control

Brooklyn Park, MN Mud Dauber Control

Mud Tubes are Here to Stay

You head out for a pre-Viking-game barbecue on the deck and you notice some mud tubes on the wall. Too small to be a bird nest, you wonder what would build such a thing and why they would leave this unsightly blemish on your house. You grab a broom stick to start chipping away at it and though it crumbles relatively easily, you realize it does not want to come all the way off. You grab the garden hose ready to have your vengeance and you spend the next 30 minutes trying to clean it all the way off. These mud nests include more than just water and mud. The saliva from the mud dauber that built this nest turns the mud into a type of only semi soluble cement. These nests can be rebuilt quickly if the underlying mud daubers are not addressed.

The Ugliest Wasp

Mud daubers have an interesting, yet frightening overall appearance. Their abdomen and stinger are distanced from the rest of their body on the other side of a very long and thin waist. Black mud daubers tend to resemble dark fairies from the realm of nightmares. They are longer than many other stinging insects and tend to leave people uncomfortable at the site of them.

Masters of Paralysis

Those mud tubes these hideous bud daubers are constructing are designed to house their offspring. Adult mud daubers will find some prey that they wish to enclose with their eggs inside the tubes and inject a paralyzing venom into the insect or arachnid that it chose. By paralyzing the victim instead of killing it, the mud dauber ensures its brood gets the freshest meal possible.

Say No To More Mud Décor

Even though these mud daubers are in abundance in Brooklyn Park, you do not have to deal with them at your house month after month and year after year. Rove Pest Control keeps specially trained stinging insect specialists on hand ready to help you evict these before they interrupt your barbecue or create more muddy decorations. Call Rove today to find out how we can customize a mud dauber solution for you.