South Lyon Bed Bug Control
South Lyon Bed Bug Control
Preferred expert by 760 WJR’s Inside Outside Guys

South Lyon’s historical series of railroad connections leaves much to ponder. Family histories are significantly altered by what railroad was most proximate. More interestingly, it isn’t just humans that have had their family lines impacted by these railways. Bedbugs have been hitching rides on humans and their mechanisms of transportation since long before South Lyon was a thing. Despite when or how it started, the most important thing is to figure out how to stop the bed bug transport via effective South Lyon bed bug control.
Master Hitchhikers
Bed bugs are built for stowing away unnoticed. They are flat and about the size and shape of an apple seed when they are adults. The nymphs and eggs can be significantly smaller. They can squeeze through zippers, hang out safely in shoe tread, or hop in the binding of a book to see where they end up. South Lyon bed bug control not only includes getting rid of the unwanted bed bugs but educating the population on how to avoid spreading them from place to place.
Defensive Systems
Defending your life bubble from bed bugs is the best way to avoid having to deal with them. There are several steps that can be taken in bed bug defense such as:
- Awareness of surroundings
- Careful inspection of self and items that could have been exposed
- Running suspect items through a dryer cycle on high heat
- Pitfall traps for beds and/or couches
- Bedbug proof mattress (and other furniture) covers
Nothing is going to make things completely bed bug proof, but guarding against higher exposure situations will mitigate the risk and make South Lyon Bed Bug control much easier.
Bed Bug Confusion
Bed bugs don’t get confused, they just want to feed on blood and reproduce. People, on the other hand, often get confused about 3 key points:
- There are look alike species such as bat bugs, swallow bugs, chicken bugs, and others that require a trained eye with some fancy magnification tools to sort out. Getting the identification wrong will ruin control efforts.
- Bites aren’t identifiable. Just like my mosquito bite (picture giant welts of ridiculous proportion) will look different than my wife’s bite (picture the most miniscule pink dot you have ever seen), bed bug bite reactions differ from person to person. Some people don’t have any reaction at all and never know they are getting bit while the person next to them is swelling up like clown’s balloon.
- Just because a product says bed bugs on it does not mean it is effective for controlling them or that it can be applied anywhere you wish. I see far too many situations where people are sitting and sleeping in chemicals that are doing them more harm than the bed bugs.
Getting Things Back on Track
Bed bugs are no joke. South Lyon bed bug control can be a relatively fast and painless process but requires the right know-how and combination of tools to get the job done. If you have bed bugs or just want to be assured that all is well, the bed bug experts can put together a plan to fit your needs.