The Value of an Active Termite Policy

Recently we responded to a termite swarm call. Upon arriving at the client’s residence, she informed us that she had lived there for 13 years and that she had a termite policy with a competitor for 8 years. She cancelled the policy about 5 years ago because she wasn’t having any problems…until now! She showed us the area she was concerned about and after inspecting, the insects were identified as termite swarmers.

Before proceeding, we explained the benefits of having an active termite policy in place, what its purpose was, and the treatment process to eliminate the termite colony. She was very impressed with our damage protection plan and decided that it was something that needed to be done. After finishing the paperwork and the inspection of the home, she told us that she regretted cancelling her original policy. We explained that it is our job to make sure the home stays protected and we do that with an annual inspection. A small annual fee beats having to fix termite damage on your own dime every time.