New Year’s Resolution: A Pest Free Home
New Year’s Resolution: Goals of a Pest Free Home
Here we are. It’s 2016. The subjects of conversations worldwide revolve around the passing year and the New Year ahead. When I think about New Year’s resolutions different thoughts come to mind: throngs of new faces crowding the gyms to begin that workout that was started a year prior, individuals cleaning out refrigerators and cupboards in an effort to increase the odds of a New Year’s diet actually working, and goals like reading a book a week or watching less TV. Whatever comes to your mind when you thing of “New Year’s Resolutions” there is typically one thing in common with all of them; they fail. By the time February rolls around the gym is back to serving it’s normal visitors, the diet is “out the window,” the books are gathering dust as usual…and we are watching TV!
As this New Year has begun I have asked myself, “How can I make a resolution that will succeed?” I spent time evaluating my life from the minute and perceivably insignificant to the large and prominent; lifestyle, appearance, spiritual and habitual. Everything I could think of was examined of the microscope of change for the New Year. As I continued through this process one subject emerged as a theme which I noticed many of my thoughts centering around; my family. I have a wife and four children. Much of my self-examination related to things I was doing as a father and a husband that I would like to change or improve.
Once I found the theme, MY theme, to center MY resolutions on I finally felt some hope for success. I found it much easier to make the resolutions/goals/changes when they centered on what is most important in my life. For the purpose of this blog I am only going to share one of the goals I set as a New Year’s resolution. Why only one? Many are personal and are held in confidence between me, myself and I.
The goal I set was to spend more time with my family. Too general of a goal? Probably. No doubt too general if it is not followed up with actions/decisions that are subset changes that will produce more time for my family. To simply say “I am going to spend more time with my family” is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions…and one of the most broken. Here are some things I decided to do to “make” more time with my family.
First, I cancelled our satellite service. Now don’t think I eliminated TV completely. ESPN 3 and Netflix allow me to watch a game or movie every now and then, but I gained significant wasted time by getting rid of the satellite. Second, I deleted Facebook from my cell phone. Facebook is great…in very small doses, and was a huge waste of time. Third and final, I eliminated some housekeeping chores that I decided took too much time and that I could afford to hire out (since I eliminated the satellite I realized an influx of funds in the monthly budget). The best household chore I hired out? I hired a pest control company to take care of the inside and outside of my home and the yard. I should have made that decision years ago!
Whatever your New Year’s resolutions are, take the time to determine what is most important to you. What really matters to you? What are you invested in? Self-analyze and determine what you can be committed to. Be realistic. Write your resolution down…and make them happen. Don’t be part of the vast majority of people who are back to their old habits by February. Happy New Year!