Get rid of Japanese Beetles Naturally
Get rid of Japanese Beetles Naturally
While the defoliation of beloved trees, roses and other plants can be extremely frustrating, it is important to note that not all yards in a given neighborhood are equally effected by the annual Japanese Beetle invasions. Being familiar with the top 4 natural approaches to keeping Japanese Beetles off of your roses and other plants can put you ahead of the game the next time the dreaded season comes around.
Alter Plant Selection
Certain trees, shrubs and plants are more susceptible than others to the voracious Japanese Beetles. Whether you are planning a new landscape or looking to alter what is already there, you can select plants that are best at keeping the annoying beetles away. Instead of planting American Linden, fruit, or Birch trees, select Ash, Boxwood or Dogwood. Instead of roses, you can choose Magnolias, Hemlock, or a redbud tree.
In some cases, you may want to keep the plant and also protect it from the beetles. In such a case, there are other options besides uprooting the plant itself.
Cover Susceptible Plants
Typically the Japanese Beetle heavy foraging season is relatively short. If you are looking to protect some roses, fruit-bearing trees, or other plants manageable in size, you can select certain soft or wire mesh covers for them.
When installing, ensure that the gaps are small enough to keep the beetles out. Also, keep in mind that Japanese Beetles can fly so the covering has to be completely over the plant.
Physical Removal
Japanese Beetles are slow and clumsy. In mild invasions, it can be best to just physically remove the beetles. The beetles are easy to grab and are harmless to people. Simply pull them off the plant you wish to protect. Since they can fly, relocation isn’t typically recommended, especially if your idea involves delivering the captured beetles to your neighbor’s fruit trees.
Topical Sprays
Certain essential oils have been found to be effective in repelling or at least reducing the attractiveness of certain plants to Japanese Beetle populations. Some of these include anise, bergamont mint, cedar leaf, dalmation sage, and terragon. Whenever you are working with essential oils, it is important to understand the type of plant you are using and how that oil may affect it. You don’t want to trade the situation of a beetle eating your beloved plant to directly killing it or stunting its growth with an oil. If unsure, it is always best to test it in a small area to observe the effects. In addition to the above mentioned oils, the cocktails of wintergreen oil mixed with ginger and peppermint and citronella oil mixed with ginger have shown effective reduction in plant attractiveness in certain situations.
Japanese Beetle Traps
In some instances, it makes sense to utilize some Japanese Beetle traps which are essentially a bag with a pheromone attractant. These can help pull beetles off of hard to reach places for physical removal and provide a distraction to the population that would otherwise be eating. If you utilize the traps, you have to dedicate some time and attention to emptying the bags frequently enough for them to remain effective.
In some situations, the traps may pull in additional beetles toward the yard from surrounding areas. If it seems to be compounding the situation, switch to a different method rather than adding more attractants to the area.
Keep a Good Perspective
While Japanese Beetles are annoying and can do a lot of unsightly damage, the effects are typically superficial and aesthetic in nature (obviously a huge deal if they entire purpose of your affected plants is aesthetics). Most healthy plants will recover from a Japanese Beetle feeding and do not require much interference. It is easy to get caught up in the battle and lose sight of how much time and effort is being put into the control. Ensure the effort is less than the value gained.