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Wisconsin Wasp Control

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Wisconsin Wasp Control

From the Shewano Paper Mill to the Wisconsin Paperboard Company in Milwaukee, several other paper manufacturing companies thrive and support many Wisconsin residents in the economy. It is no surprise that paper is an economic staple in a state so full of trees, but what may surprise Wisconsin residents is their deep connection to Wasps.

The Inventors of Paper

Long before we figured out how to turn the hard wood of a tree into paper, wasps were creating paper homes for themselves and their brood. It was when someone stumbled across one of their nests and got to thinking that paper as we know it took its course to development. So the next time you wonder why wasps exist, relate them to the wafting smell of the paper mill.


Like spiders, wasps are predatory animals. They depend on protein to deliver to their larvae back at the nest to help them grow and develop. In exchange for doing their hunting, the adults receive a sweet excretion that keeps them motivated. Motivated that is, until a sugary drink at your picnic offers to bypass the middle man for them. While this predatory behavior is beneficial from a pest control standpoint, it does not justify the wasp population growing out of check or becoming a threat to health.

Increasing Aggression

Wasps tend to be rather benign in the beginning of the season. They are happy to collect the materials they need to create a new nest for the year and gather the food that is developing plentifully. As the season progresses, the predator to prey ratios change leaving the landscape much more competitive. In addition, shorter days leave less time for hunting and gathering. The tighter these conditions get, the more likely a wasp is to see a passing Wisconsin resident as a threat to its territory and go into attack mode. Because of this, it is far better to put control measures in place earlier in the year.

Controlling the wasps

From a control standpoint, there are a few different wasp classifications to direct efforts including:

  • Landscape nesters
  • Mud Daubers
  • Eave nesters
  • Void Nesters

Some wasps such as the bald faced hornet are going to be true to the landscape nesters, but yellow jackets will cross borders as they are more opportunistic. Regardless of the specific species, you want to match the control tool to the situations. Oftentimes, more than one control effort are needed, but may include:

  • Inspection
  • Monitoring
  • Most removal
  • Habitat alteration
  • Food source reduction
  • Pesticide application

Wasps vs Bees

We get a lot of questions as to whether wasps are considered pollinators like bees. One of the key differences between these is the hairs on their legs. Bees have great hair configuration on their legs and bodies for carrying loads of pollen from one place to another. Wasps are much more smooth and less likely to pollinate at remotely the same level.

When to get help

Wasps can be persistent and hard to find. If you are struggling to reduce the occurrence of wasps, are afraid of them, simply hate them, or have any kind of allergy to them; it is best to call in a wasp professional like the wasp experts at Rove Pest Control. In addition, we like to remind people to consider social responsibility. Just because you aren’t bothered by them doesn’t mean that they won’t interfere with your friendly Wisconsin neighbor down the street or threaten their health.