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Specialty Services Areas

Neighborhood Fave Nextdoor Logo
three best 2022
best company 2022
National Pest Management Association Logo
Angies List Logo
Norton Secured Logo
Expertise Best Pest Control Services
Expertise Best Pest Control Service St. Paul
Best of 2014 Winner Logo
Board Certified Entomologists Logo
Bed Bug Free Logo
Women Networking Logo
Snoball giving back award
Qualitypro mark of excellence


Whether it is the tiniest mouse or a 20 pound raccoon, wildlife specialists designs plans to keep animals out to begin with. Routine maintenance and inspection around structures will help eliminate possible entry points before something takes up residence. When animals do make it in to customer homes, an efficient plan for removal will be developed.

Bed Bug

Rove bed bug specialists develop plans utilizing the most technologically advanced equipment to provide customers with the most effective treatment for any of their bed bug issues. Bed bug heat treatment is an effective, safe and environmentally friendly process that uses dry heat to kill the entire life cycle of bed bugs. Bed bug specialists must be experts at identification, treatment, and prevention.

Tree & Shrub

Tree and shrub specialists learn what elements of the environment can be changed to reduce harborage or make the affected plants less desirable. Some insects will need treatment directed at the adult stage while others need control of the larval stage. Some insect and plant combinations will be best treated with a systemic treatment through injection. It is important to understand what treatment option will be most effective and what needs to be done to avoid affecting non-target species.


Rove termite specialists are charged with providing service recommendations responsible for protecting customers from some of the most economically destructive insects in the industry. Service plans use technologically advanced equipment and products to provide customers with the most effective treatment for termite and other wood destroying insect threats. Each plan must customize treatment techniques to match each structure’s needs related to construction style and environmental factors.

Home Restoration

Restoration specialists enter homes that have been damaged by extensive insect activity, mold, mildew, flooding or other unfortunate circumstances. It is important to help customers feel comfortable and encouraged with a custom solution.

Moisture, Mold, & Microbials

By the time moisture problems become evident to most business and home owners, the damage is already done. Moisture experts provide the expertise necessary to prevent damage and catch moisture in its earliest stages. In cases of mold and other microbial invaders, the specialist will provide the remediation steps necessary to start a path of a dry and healthy structure.


Mosquito specialists identify the type of mosquitoes and determine the adjustments that may be made to minimize mosquito reproductive opportunities. In cases where landscape, structural, and other alterations are not feasible, or where alterations need supplemental treatment, plans must be developed to prevent larva from completing their life cycle. In situations where sources are outside of the control of the property owner, it may be necessary to focus the control plan on the adult mosquitoes. The method of treating the adults will depend on the goal of mosquito control as well as the biology of the specific mosquitoes in question.

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