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Bayport, MN Pest Control

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Rove Pest Control – Bayport, MN

Afton Pest Control

Bayport Minnesota was most likely a one-time stomping ground of Paul Bunyan.

But even Paul, with all his size and strength, wouldn’t be able to stomp out all the bugs and pests in the area today. Of course, termites love Minnesota, the moisture and wood make for the perfect environment for termites.

And termites know how to hide. They can do extensive damage to a home before the home-owner sees even a hint that there might be a problem. It is common for a structure to be the home to three or four colonies of termites.

Colonies can range in size from 10,000 insects to a million. The queen lays 2000 eggs a day. Scared yet? Termite damage causes over $5 billion in losses every year. Termites cause more home damage than fires and weather combined. Your termite invasion probably won’t make the news but it can still be as devastating.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Bayport, is home to box elder bugs, Asian beetles, spiders, ticks, bedbugs, ants, and even mice. Each of these pests are willing to share your house with you and even with each other. Your house just became an apartment complex. Unfortunately, none of your tenants are paying rent and they are eating you out of house and home—literally.

Only a professional experienced exterminator is capable of protecting you from all these pests. They know how to get the job done and they are affordable. Bayport is so much nicer when these pests are out of your house.