South Lyon Ant Control - Rove Pest Control

South Lyon Ant Control

South Lyon Ant Control

Preferred expert by 760 WJR’s Inside Outside Guys

I don’t think it was by mistake that almost 12,000 of us have chosen to set up camp and hang around South Lyon. Compared to the town of 900 people that I grew up in, I find South Lyon large, but still just as comfortable as my tiny original town. Some things regardless of the actual numbers seem much larger or smaller than they actually are. Understanding this helps us understand the different perspectives we encounter when dealing with South Lyon ant control.

Just a Few

Many people track the ant population by individual anthills. This can be quite deceiving since not all species of ants set up shop in the same way. Pavement ants like to build their sand mounds in the protection of cracks in sidewalks and other paved areas. Carpenter ants, on the other hand, seek out softened wood or existing hollows. Understanding that the few ant hills in the driveway are a completely separate issue from the carpenter or field ants in different areas helps dial in the South Lyon ant control precision.

Additionally, each one of those ant mounds may represent 3,000-4,000 ants with several queens. A house with 4 ant hills may have more ants in a few square feet than we have people in all of South Lyon.

They’re Everywhere!

While some of us are prone to downplay the ant populations building strongholds in our yards, others of us have a lesser tolerance. It is not uncommon for a few ants in the kitchen and then a handful by the front door to feel like a complete inundation. It doesn’t help to realize that these may be simply scouts or a handful of workers that represent just a small portion of the population.

Regardless of whether there are a few ants marching around the home 2 by 2 or a steady string of ants too numerous to count, they are there for a reason. Ants have a large population to sustain so they are constantly scouting out primary and backup food sources. When they find something tasty, they motivate their buddies to help with the haul by sharing a little taste of what they found. This process is called trophallaxis. South Lyon ant control targets these behaviors and applies baits and other products that recruit the worker ants to carry products deep into the heart of the colony to resolve the situation at its source.

So Many Species

In a strikingly creepy coincidence, ant species across the globe number over 12,000. This means there is more than one distinct species of ant for each person living in our town. Fortunately, we only have a handful of ant species that we need to worry about in our neighborhood. Regardless, keeping up on the different ways to identify them as well as the proper way to treat the different ants can be quite daunting.

Plenty of Help

The best part of South Lyon ant control is you don’t have to tackle it alone. The ant experts at Rove Pest Control keep tabs on the behaviors, trends, and seasons of the ants that want to drive you mad. Just give us a call and we can customize a plan to fit the needs of your home and yard.