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What is Powassan virus?

Ticks are notorious carriers of disease. The list of diseases and conditions that ticks can transmit to humans constantly expands. The symptoms typically show up between one week and one month of transmission and have an estimated 10% mortality rate.

Which ticks carry powassan virus?

The black legged tick which also is the culprit behind Lyme disease is adding the threat of Powassan virus to the mix. This is in addition to anaplasmosis and babeosis along with too many others for comfort.

How transmissible is powassan virus?

Powassan virus requires the tick to bite someone to transmit it. Despite the mode of action for spread being the same as Lyme, it is more transmissible than Lyme disease. Although this virus is still rare, the number of cases are growing and the geography is spreading.

Where is Powassan Virus found

The CDC has a map showing cases of Powassan. It is mainly in the northeast of the US and the upper midwest of the united states. In Massachessets, Sharon had its first confirmed case showing that Boston suburbs should be cautious and proactive.

Tick bite after the tick was removed

How to avoid infection

Since there are no medications for Powassan, prevention is the key. Where appropriate clothing when outdoors and perform daily inspections for ticks after possible exposure as well as the end of the day. Additionally, keeping rodent populations down and treating the years around your home for ticks will reduce the chances of exposure.

For any questions regarding tick prevention or control, reach out to Rove Pest Control and one of our tick experts will be happy to help you out.

About Rob Greer: Pest Control Expert and Industry Leader
Rob Greer, co-founder of Rove Pest Control, has a deep connection with nature, developed during his upbringing in rural Idaho where he raised horses and cattle. He began his career in pest control in 2001 to support his university studies. After earning a BS in Business Management, Rob, along with Lenny Gray and McKay Bodily, founded Rove Pest Control.
Rob has played a pivotal role in shaping the operational framework of Rove Pest Control, with a focus on personal development for team members, public health awareness, and tailoring services to meet the needs of individuals and communities.
As an Associate Certified Entomologist (ACE) and Subject Matter Expert (SME), Rob has made significant contributions to the pest control industry. He has collaborated on the Minnesota Department of Agriculture’s UMN Extension certification manual and exam development, the National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual for the EPA, and the Quality Pro Customer Service Credential Task Force. His expertise has also been recognized in his testimony for the pest control industry before the Minnesota state legislature as a State Policy Affairs Representative. Currently, Rob serves as the President of the Minnesota Pest Management Association Board. Learn more about Rob Greer.