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Wasps Control

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Wixom Wasp Control

Preferred expert by 760 WJR’s Inside Outside Guys

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Hiking the Wixom Habitat Trailhead is a guaranteed place for relaxation for us. I love to stop and pause on the wooden bridge and take in the wildlife. Sometimes however, we run the risk of taking in the wildlife a little too literally. Yes, I am talking about the overly sharp south end of our wasp population. I get it. They want to hang out in the habitat too. They have a right to, but why do they think they have to join me at home?! When wasps interfere with our home life, it is time for Wixom Wasp control to come into play.

Wandering Wasps

Sometimes wasps on our property don’t have anything to do with a nest that is established there. These wandering wasps could be there for a few different reasons such as:

  • Hunting for food – wasps are predatory and feed on insects and arachnids. If we have these hanging around our house or yard, wasps will seek them out for a snack
  • Collecting building materials – wasps are masters of paper mache. If we have wood or bark hanging around that they can chew up into a pulp, they will be quick to take advantage.
  • Expansion – New queens need a place to set up shop. They will wander until they find a good place to build their kingdom.
  • Squatting – It is hard to envision a wasp doing any form of squatting, but they love to take over rodent burrows. These are typically just the right size to fill in with a lovely ground nest. Yes, the kind that likes to surprise you will mowing.

Wandering wasps are hard to anticipate, but our Wixom Wasp control plans keep the food source down as well as keep barriers up in the places wasps are drawn to.

Which Wasp?

Culturally, we are trained to call anything that flies and may have a chance at stinging us a bee. While this is technically incorrect, we will accept any beginning description that gets us on the same page. Ultimately when designing a solid Wixom wasp control system, we want to nail down the culprits we are dealing with. Honey bees and key pollinators should be protected. Grumpy wasps that are overly defensive should go. These may include:

  • Paper wasps – they nest under eaves and overhangs with umbrella shaped nests
  • Bald Faced Hornets – black and white in color. Large. Typically nest in in trees and bushes
  • Yellow Jackets – various species with various nesting sites including ground, voids, paper spheres plastered to walls, etc.
  • Mud Daubers – solitary wasps that build mud tubes
  • Cicada killers – large but solitary wasps that nest in the ground

Understanding which wasp (or wasps in many cases) is the target will help dial in the hunt for the origin and better customize the solution.

Winter Wasps

We wish that wasps just fully went away in the winter. If they did, they wouldn’t just crop back up each year. They don’t spawn out of nothingness like bad guys in a video game. While most of the workers starve to death or freeze from our lovely winter weather, the queens try to find a place to survive. This may be under some protective bark or may be inside our heated homes. The siding and wall voids provide great protection – not to mention the heat radiating off of our home. Wixom wasp control should establish protective barriers in areas conducive to wasp overwintering. Additionally, voids can be treated in high traffic areas to minimize spring starts.

We’re with you Wixom!

Rove Pest Control’s seasoned wasp warriors know the battle strategy that keeps you ahead of the game. Whether you are just getting settled here in Wixom or were the first family on the block, we are here to help. Reach out to us today to see how we can customize your Wixom wasp control plan to cover the other pests you don’t want to deal with either.

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